September 30, 2014
DRE is pleased to announce a series of upgrades to the DRE Waveline Pro patient monitor – a complete, advanced O.R. monitor with superior performance.
The new Waveline Pro is a full-featured, dependable monitor at a very competitive price, perfect for many environments, including anesthesia and post-anesthesia care units. The unit’s brand-new features include a new touch-screen that allows for quick adjustments to patient information and vital signs monitoring, and an optional integrated Drager-style anesthesia bench for Anesthetic Agent measurement.
Navigate through the new Waveline Pro’s interface using a 15-inch touch-screen monitor with a high-resolution, flat panel display. The new touch-screen is perfect for a fast-paced work environment, putting access to patient data and customizable settings at the user’s fingertips. The monitor quickly adapts to meet the needs of a patient’s changing condition, serving as a basic vital signs monitor, a continuous bed side monitor, or an operating room monitor.
The upgraded DRE Waveline Pro is now available with an optional integrated Drager anesthesia bench for real-time CO2, FiO2, and 5 Agent AUTO ID measurements. The Drager bench meets the comprehensive anesthesia monitoring and analysis needs of the most demanding high-acuity O.R. procedures.
The DRE Waveline Pro is pre-configured to measure non-invasive blood pressure, 3-lead or 5-lead ECG with arrhythmia detection, motion tolerant SpO2, Temperature, and Respiration rate. In addition to Anesthetic Agent measurement, options include 12-lead ECG, End-tidal CO2, Cardiac Output and Invasive blood pressure.
The monitor shows up to 8 waveforms, and the colors for these waveforms are customizable. The touch-screen is a bright, clear, large-font display. The unit includes:
The Waveline Pro monitor can be networked with multiple monitors to allow users to manage patient data on an electronic medical records platform or a HL7-based hospital information system. The Waveline Pro patient monitor offers Ethernet and RS-232 connections with an open source communication protocol, and it is HL7 compliant. The HL7 network protocol will allow all patient information and vital sign trends to be transferred and stored on a hospital information system.
For more information on the upgraded DRE Waveline Pro, visit or call 1-502-244-4444 today. Connect with your peers on our social networks for exclusive deals and industry updates.