Happy HTM Week from Avante!

May 19, 2021

Engineers, biomeds and other HTM professionals are essential members of the healthcare community. 


It’s Healthcare Technology Management Week! This annual event is a celebration to show our appreciation and raise awareness for the pivotal work of HTM professionals in healthcare facilities across the globe. 

HTM Week 2021: May 16 – 22 


HTM professionals dedicate their time and considerable expertise to the maintenance, service and overall management of healthcare technologies. As the healthcare industry continues to advance, the role of the HTM professional is continuously evolving and expanding their scope of responsibilities. In addition to acquiring, installing, maintaining and training healthcare facility staff on the latest medical technology, HTM professionals are also at the forefront of patient safety, equipment performance, and cybersecurity efforts. 

As our communities continue to be impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, Healthcare Technology Management Week takes on even more significance as we consider the extra burdens that HTM professionals face during these trying times. 


HTM Professionals Continue Providing Vital Support Against COVID-19 

Within the past year, hospital biomedical staff in hardest hit areas worked increased hours to handle the influx of coronavirus cases. In an all-hands-on-deck effort to maintain critical equipment, biomeds refocused to turn equipment around as quickly and efficiently as possible – especially respiratory ventilators, infusion pumps and patient monitoring equipment. Facilities spared from high numbers of COVID-19 cases dealt with an entirely different set of challenges, sometimes experiencing reductions in work hours to comply with necessary social distancing guidelines. 

Our entire team at Med Vest Technology is grateful for the hard work of HTM professionals in our own communities and across the globe. We see you demonstrate your dedication and passion for maintaining critical medical equipment, and it is truly our privilege to work with you in the field. 
